Wednesday, October 26, 2005

If You Like or Need to Search the Net...

I have found a really cool program. Okay, this has nothing to do with self help products, but this is so great, I just had to tell you about it.

It's called Search Automator and it will literally save you hours of searching for something online. From this one program, you can search for anything in any format in almost any search engine. I could go on and on about how it works, but the sales page is much better than I am. There's a video explaining how the program works. It's not hard, but you do have to play around with it a little to see all the features it offers.

Derek also has a free email course about searching in general. I recommend signing up for that even if you don't get Search Automator because it has some great tips for searching in general.

The reason I'm telling you about this now is because he's coming out with an upgrade called Search Automator Pro and it's going to be a lot more money. If you buy the first version BEFORE the Pro version comes out, you'll get the upgrade for free!

The price is dirt cheap considering how powerful this program is and how much time it will save you. I waited to buy it, thinking "I'll get it later", but as soon as he mentioned the upgrade, I hurried to buy the first version. Boy, am I glad I did! I've already used it several times in my business searchings.

Hop on over to the sales page and read and watch about all it can do. This isn't hyped-up sales talk -- I've bought it and I've used it. It's great! Plus, he doesn't follow up with a bunch of emails trying to sell you more stuff. (Or, at least he hasn't so far!)

Maybe you can't use it, but I'll bet you know someone who can! College students I think would LOVE this program!

Okay, I'm done gushing. Go check it out: Search Automator

Self Help Product Reviews

Monday, October 24, 2005

Simpleology - Lessons 7 & 8

Okay, you may have noticed by the dates on these posts, that I'm not exactly whipping through this. Now why is that?

Could be because I've already done it before - repeated material that I think I know already.

More than likely, it's because I'm not following even the simple steps in the beginning - you know, the ones about a clear goal and keeping it in your sights?

Okay, starting today - no more distractions! Stop spinning your wheels.

Sign up for the free Simpleology course and get yourself back on track!


The newly focused GiGi
Self Help Product Reviews
Natural Cures For Insomnia

Monday, October 17, 2005

Simpleology - Lessons 5 & 6

Okay, so there's only 3 Simple Steps to getting anything you want and part of that process is to focus on 1 goal at a time.

Seems simple enough. So why am I so NOT focused?

I have started doing one thing I think will help, and that's to break down my larger tasks into little tiny pieces. That way it's easier to fit those little tiny pieces into my day and get something accomplished rather than wait until I have a big block of time to devote to that task.

Oh, and off subject, but still important: something new is coming out. I should know more in a few days. Stay tuned!

Get your free course here: Simpleology 101

Self Help Product Reviews

Monday, October 10, 2005

Lessons 3 & 4 - Simpleology

These were pretty important lessons, only in that they are the two things I've been doing WRONG all this time.

Of course, I KNOW this. What I don't know is how to correct it. Hopefully, they will help with this in the course.

Get your free Simpleology course.


Self Help Product Reviews

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Do You Have Trouble Sleeping?

Not exactly self-help, but if you are like millions of people that are having problems sleeping at night, I've started a new website that explores natural cures for insomnia.

It's still fairly new and I'll be adding more stuff soon, but do check out the e-book that helped get me off the Ambien! Here's the website:

Natural Cures For Insomnia


Self Help Product Reviews

Lessons 1 & 2 - Simpleology

Well, isn't this interesting? You really DO get something more out of the program when you follow directions! Who knew? ;)

Interesting that this time I actually did the silly exercises that I thought were so dumb the first time around. Turns out, they really did drive the point home. Especially the one about picking out your target (lesson 2).

I must admit, I'm getting a renewed sense of determination about things in general, so that's a good sign.

I'll keep you posted. And if you haven't gotten your Simpleology 101 course yet, for heaven's sake, sign up already! It's free!

More soon!

Self Help Product Reviews

Monday, October 03, 2005

Simpleology 101 Updates

Well, I guess I'm like everyone else. I start something that looks great, but then I don't follow through. I did complete the first Simpleology course, but not really completely. I didn't do ALL the exercises - I was in a hurry to get to the "meat" of the course.

And now that I've had a chance to do the Daily Praxis, I realize that I should do exactly what they recommend: turn around and follow the course all over again from the beginning.

So that's what I'm doing -- only THIS time I've made a pledge to post my results AT LEAST every other day on this blog.

So follow along with me. You won't understand some of the posts to come if you don't have your own copy of Simpleology 101, so sign up now. It's free!

Let's share the journey to success together!

Simpleology 101

Yours in success,

Self Help Product Reviews