Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Byron Katie Interview - Sept. 6th

Have you ever run up against something where you thought, “I don't know how I can ever get through this?”

What if you had a simple, easy process to use that would make those feelings disappear at moments like that? What if you had a simple process to undo all the beliefs which keep you from having everything you want in your life?

That's what you can have by listening in to online magazine Healthy Wealthy nWise's telephone interview with Byron Katie, #1 Bestselling author of "Loving What Is." Next Tuesday, September 6 at 8 PM Eastern time you have the chance to listen in to an interview with with a woman whom many consider enlightened, and almost everyone who meets her agrees is completely remarkable.

I've made special arrangements so you can register without charge at:

Healthy, Wealthy nWise

Some of the people Healthy Wealthy nWise has interviewed recently as part of their Passion series include:

=> Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
=> Dr. John Gray, author of "Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus"
=> Denis Waitley, author of "The Psychology of Winning"
=> Neale Donald Walsch, author of "Conversations with God"

I can hardly wait for her to demonstrate the simple process of investigation she calls "The Work." You'll get to hear how this process can eliminate distress and suffering in minutes! This is new to me, so I'll be listening with you!

Here's what a few people have said about Byron Katie:

“Katie's laser-like tough love burns away all illusions.” The Times (London)

“A spiritual innovator for the new millennium. The charismatic Katie acts as a combination mystical guide, wise-cracking therapist and knowing parent.” Time magazine

“Byron Katie’s Work is a great blessing for our planet. It acts like a razor-sharp sword that cuts through illusions and enables you to know for yourself the timeless essence of your being.” Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now

“The Work of Byron Katie is a powerful process of discovery, a key that unlocks the heart. Byron Katie’s insight into what is at the core of happiness and fulfillment is truly enlightening.” Anthony Robbins, author of Awaken the Giant Within

Just register for the call by going to:

Healthy, Wealthy nWise

Self Help Product Reviews

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Mark Joyner - Next Tuesday!

The Healthy, Wealthy n Wise series is featuring Mark Joyner next Tuesday, August 23. If you don't know who Mark Joyner, he is a great internet marketing guru, but also has recently come out with a free self- help course. I'm sure this is a call you won't want to miss, but unfortunately, I will! I'm still in Hawaii on vacation - I know, I know, I'm not exactly "crying the blues"! LOL

Here's where to sign up for the call on Tuesday:
Free Call

Actually, I'm having a great time, but am also getting SOME work done. I'm pretty excited about a new website I'm starting, slightly off the self help genre, but something most people need anyway.

Next week, I'll be sending out my newsletter with a couple of freebies in it that only my subscribers will know about. What? You're not subscribed to my newsletter? Here's your chance:
Newsletter Signup

More later - ALOHA!

Self Help Product Reviews

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Building A Mission Statement

Ever thought of building yourself a personal mission statement? Similar to goal setting, only it's kind of an all emcompassing statement about what you want to do with your life.

There's a free mission building tool over at Franklin Covey. Be sure to explore all three different wizards as they each have something different to offer.

It should help to open your eyes on what you'd like to do with your life (if you don't already know). Check it out here:

Until next time,
Self Help Product Reviews

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Holosync Meditation - Does It Really Work?

Chances are, if you are on a quest for self-improvement, you've already heard of the Holosync Meditation CD's.

What It Is:

Developed by Bill Harris in the late 1980s, the Holosync Solution is an audio program designed to bring your brain waves to the alpha (and lower)levels automatically just by listening to the cds. According to Bill: "Holosync is a way to create deep meditation easily, precisely and consistently."

Beyond The Hype:

I thought it was about time someone talked about what it's REALLY like to use the Holosync cds. I've been using the program for 2 years fairly consistently. That means sitting down almost every day, putting on my headphones and doing nothing else for an hour. It's a huge time commitment and there were times I wondered if it was worth it.

In The Beginning:

Unlike the other testimonials you may have read, I did not experience profound changes after listening to the first cd. In fact, for the most part, I fell asleep! But that's okay, because the more I listened, the less sleeping I did. Truth be told, I still doze off when I'm starting a new level. Each new level takes you into deeper meditative states and requires an adjustment.

As Time Goes By:

Here I am, two years later, still making the time and financial commitment to stick with it. Why? Because I'm amazed at the person I've become. Over the course of the two years:

I'm calmer
I rarely get angry.
I have a more positive attitude.
I've become more spiritual.
I'm happier - negative thoughts creep in, but they don't stay.

Would I have experienced this growth without Holosync? Maybe, but I believe it would have taken much longer.

Have I reached the "nirvana" state while meditating? A couple of times I have experienced that deep all-encompassing sense of peace, but for the most part, my thoughts tend to drift. I try to start each session with an affirmation or goal statement, but often I'll end up working out a problem or thinking about other things. It seems to work anyway and I always feel refreshed and calm at the end of a session.

What About Using Other Programs?

Absolutely! I've used and still incorporate other programs into my Holosync meditation. I mentioned affirmations, but other types of releasing programs work well, even different meditation techniques can work with Holosync.

Self improvement should be a never-ending quest. You can usually gain some new insights by listening to a different point of view.

If you are interested in learning more about Holosync meditation, click here: Holosync Meditation.