Friday, November 17, 2006

James Ray from Larry King Live

I hope you were able to watch the Larry King Live segment last night. If not, you can get the transcript here:

Larry King Transcript

One of the panelists was James Ray, a rather famous self-help guru in his own right. He has a Science of Success program based upon the theories of quantum physics. If you're not sure what quantum physics is, here's my brief synopsis:

Quantum Physics Explanation

What's great about the Science of Success is it includes two audio conference calls, his book, 6 CD's plus several other special bonuses you should check out.

And here's the kicker - he has a 30 day trial. Big deal, right? Yes, but he actually only charges you for the shipping for the first 30 days. So if you don't like it, just send it back. I doubt you will - he does some great stuff.

So check out Science of Success

Also, here's a pretty cool Wisdom Flash video from ConsciousOne:

James Ray Wisdom Flash




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